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We offer services in the area of business consulting, business planning, strategic marketing, business and entrepreneaurial workshops.

Business Consulting


We offer business consulting especially in the area of start-ups. Our advice ranges from what type of businesses you can start that may be viable in your country, city/town. We also try to match your skills or competency with an ideal busniess idea or plan. We have a list of business ideas that are viable in Zimbabwe and are willing to help you choose the right one for you.

Strategic Marketing


Strategic Marketing is an important aspect of business that many entrepreneurs and business owners have undermined. The business world is ever evovling and so are its clients and potential customers changing in tastes and preferences. The world has become a competitive global village so its therefore important to align yourself in a startegic manner in order to best serve your market. We are here to help you do that, offering marketing strategies that best suit your industry and environment. Such strategies range from online & digital marketing to branding and competitor analysis among many other markting functions.

​Business Planning & Proposals


If you have a business idea but have no idea or atleast need help with developing it into a viable plan then we are the right people for you. We want to help you in research and strategic planning for your idea so that you can make informed decisions in your start-up venture. Preparing a realistic plan and proposal for a loan or investor can be a cumbersome process but we are here to help.

​Business & Entrepreneurial Workshops


The economic climate in Zimbabwe has made it so difficult for people to find jobs, therefore indigenization has been the big talk, motivating the unemployed to become self-employed. We are here to facilitate the development of such policies and are offereing a wide variety of business workshops that will help you the aspiring and practicing business person in setting up and developing your enterprise.

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